Newlife Pomona Sermon Library

Newlife Pomona is a community church located in Pomona, California! We were made for Jesus. Purposefully designed to live in His Presence. This is our deepest desire. We’re a community that pursues healing and freedom in every area of our lives. So that nothing hinders us from encountering His heart. In His Presence, we’re transformed – not only our own lives but our families, communities, spheres of influence and ultimately the nations. Our heart is to encounter God, and live forever changed.

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Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Today, Pastor Craig shared the many life experiences of his prophetic history. Pastor Craig shared that we should live radically for Jesus, quit pretending, pursue the mission God has planned for us.  Jesus heals us over time as we live for Him today.  He encouraged everyone to engage the Great Commission that God has called each person to live out.Ask Him where He is calling you to. Seek His restoration, healing, and transformation. TIME on your part with the Lord will produce abundant fruit, joy, and purpose.

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday! Today Pastor Christian continues our new series "This is Newlife" & shares the 7 values or goals from Pastor Craig’s sermon last week.  He entitled these as Our Why: 1.  To disciple others. 2.  To become emotionally healthy. 3.  To cultivate a loving and encouraging church community. 4.  To meet the needs of our community. 5.  To nourish gifts and abilities. 6.  To be examples of Christ in the Pomona Valley. 7.  To mentor a younger generation. These seven pillars or principles of our church mission are the foundations for today’s sermon entitled Authentic Community. Genuine community is a call from God and the season we enter into today is to develop the attributes of authentic community.Pastor Christian encouraged everyone to become a better friend, to seek models to emulate in the process of building community and to devote TIME to the building process. To see the full sermon notes, head to

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday, fam! We're glad you're here. A Generous Community is an Empowered Community.  Pastor Craig asked reflectively, “what exactly is” an Empowered Community?  He shared that the attributes of an Empowered Community include continually being filled with the Holy Spirit along with a continual development of deep intimacy with Jesus.  Its goals would equip believers to love others as modeled by Jesus, within our family, workplace, school, and neighborhood. Pastor Craig shared the Outrageous Love that Jesus models.  We’re called to live out the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus taught.  We’re called to be Salt and Light–the Fulfillment of the Law. For the full sermon notes, head over to

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Good Morning church! Jesus, our model for evangelism, focuses on sharing His loving heart for all.  Our evangelism is an act and practice of humility, by thinking about yourself less. Pastor Doug encouraged us to not lose sight of what God is doing all around us, everywhere we go there are people lonely, scared, and without purpose.  Your spiritual peripheral vision allows you to see and sense the person who needs God at that moment. Get the full sermon notes at

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday! Today, Pastor Doug opened the sermon “Generous Community” asking reflectively what is it like to be generous in a prosperous lifestyle?  Pastor Doug shared the example of King David, who was chosen by God because of his generosity toward others.  David was generous, kind, and a protector of others. In 2 Samuel 9:1, David asks if there’s anyone he can show kindness to. David’s vision of life was to be generous and kind, whether he was experiencing adversity or prosperity. Pastor Doug reflectively pointed out that the way we respond to our financial resources often reveal the condition of our heart. Sometimes we may need a spiritual cardiologist to heal a heart that is in bondage to money. Share how you have changed over time in your views of financial management and its seed; living generously.  Do you cultivate generosity as opportunities to refresh others without an intention of a payback? To see the full sermon notes, head to

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday! We're kicking off our new series "Living by Design"

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Good Morning Newlife Fam! Pastor Doug opened our series Living by Design with today’s sermon in Slide 3 “You’re Designed for a Promise.”  Using Malachi 2:10-16, Pastor Doug emphasized that God’s design is for each of us to worship Him in a relationship that focuses on His promises. Where there’s no design, there is no purpose, where there’s no accountability there’s no fear of consequences.  We are called to worship the Designer who created promises, the greatest promise is found in Jesus Christ.  God relates to us in a promise. Do you love yourself enough to come and live under God’s promises? Follow along the activation prayer in the video. For the full sermon notes, head to

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday! You are designed for Intimacy! Check out the sermon notes here:

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Happy Sunday! “When you walk in purpose, you will collide with destiny.” Pastor Doug shared that we are the most content when God’s design is activated and being nurtured in our lives.  If there is ongoing heaviness in our life, it shows we need God’s design to replace our temporal design. God’s plans are eternal while our plans are temporal.  God’s purposes are personalized for each of us and frequently contrast with our planning and purposes. Share your discoveries over time how God’s plans have been integrated into your lifestyle to become activated. Get the full sermon notes at

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Good Morning Newlife! Understanding God as He is revealed in Scripture gives us an understanding of a lifestyle led by holiness. We become what we behold. Pastor Jason encouraged us to read Isaiah 6 & to imagine what would it be like to be in the throne room, to encounter the holiness of God. We’re called to be holy as God is Holy. Pastor Jason asked, are we going to do what pleases God, or will we as the body of Christ, love ourselves more than loving God?  Will we pursue self, or God? He asked reflectively, remember when you said you want to live in the will of God?   Here are four things that are His will: 1.  Avoid sexual sin.   2.  Be joyful always.   3.  Pray continually.   4.  Give thanks in all circumstances, positive or negative. - these are just a glimpse of the notes, for the full sermon notes, head to

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